
Website editor

You are currently connected to the official Jacques Herbin website.
This site is managed by the Communication Department, which is responsible for its editorial content and updates, in liaison with all CLAIREFONTAINE-RHODIA departments.


Clairefontaine Rhodia

SAS with a capital of 22 500 000 euros
RC Mulhouse 87B111
SIRET 33995678100027
Activity code: 17.23Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR 36 339 956 781

Head office address: Clairefontaine – RD 52 – 68490 OTTMARSHEIM


Publication manager
Rhyzlène Nusse


Data Protection Act
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978).

To exercise this right, please send a letter to :

RD 52

Protection of personal data

* No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
* No personal information is passed on to third parties
* No personal information is used for purposes for which it was not intended.

See our Privacy Policy



The whole of this site,, and all its content are covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are therefore reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express authorisation of the publication director, in accordance with article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Reproduction of texts from this site on paper is authorised, particularly for educational purposes, subject to compliance with the following three conditions:

* Free distribution
* Respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modifications or alterations of any kind.
* Clear and legible citation of the source in the following form – for example – :

“This document comes from Jacques Herbin’s website: Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited”.

Jacques Herbin’s website address must appear in the reference. A hypertext link will take you directly to the content. For other uses, please contact us. Similarly, deep linking is prohibited, i.e. the pages of the site must not be embedded within the pages of another site.

* Any trademarks mentioned on this site are registered by the companies that own them.


Photo credits

The photos on this site are from the Clairefontaine Communication Department. The visuals of products and images on the site are non-contractual and reproduction is authorised on condition that the author and source are indicated.


Development, graphic design and Internet strategy: